Audio Newsletters with Mote


Schools use newsletters as a means to communicate with families and the community.  But, far too often these newsletters either go entirely unread or the messages are not read in their entirety.  School administrators can transform the traditional newsletter that has always been limited to text and images, into an audio newsletter with Mote! Audio newsletters can increase engagement and create a sense of community with a personalized touch of voice from the administrator directly to the listening family.


School administrators can build the audio newsletter in Google Slides with the traditional text and images that they would include in a traditional text document.  Using the Mote Google Chrome Extension, school leaders then record their voice directly into the slides.  Once the newsletter is complete, publish the slides so anyone who clicks on the link can access the newsletter.  The benefit of this approach is that families simply need to click on the newsletter link to hear directly from the school administrator or principal!  


Building community and a connection from school to home can be challenging.  By transforming the traditional newsletter into an audio experience with Mote, school leaders can build connections with their community.

This post was created in collaboration with Greg Kulowiec, Tech Director at Triton SD (Mass).

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