Better Feedback in Less Time

Guest post from Mote Ambassador Leader Brittany Horn, instructional technologist in NISD.

According to John Hattie, "There is an enhanced role for teachers because students seek feedback. And feedback works best when you think first of feedback that is received, not given" (Visible Learning, 2018). Additionally, in a 2018 interview, Hattie states, "Students want personalization. We know, for example, that when teachers give feedback to the whole class, every kid knows it’s not about them, and they tune out." Personalized feedback is an important aspect of students' growth and engagement. However, providing personalized feedback takes extra time, a resource many teachers do not have. Mote empowers educators like Mrs. Sprowls to overcome the time constraints associated with crafting personalized feedback by seamlessly integrating into Google Docs and Slides, as well as Google Classroom and Canvas SpeedGrader. Teachers can quickly provide voice feedback for students from their computer, phone, or tablet.

To further assist educators in maximizing their time, educators with a Mote Unlimited Plan have the ability to save commonly used voice notes to their “Motebook” for reuse. To access the Motebook, press and hold the Mote icon. Teachers are able to view and search for commonly used Motes that meet students where they are. 

Learn more about using the Motebook: Using Motebook To Reuse Voice Feedback #mote

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